An opened house on the 1th of May 2000
Štefankovič József - Jakó
The non-profit organisation EURO GLOBAL Komárno was established on 4th July 2000 with the aim to provide the generally useful services in the field of the development and the protection of spiritual and cultural values, the formation and protection of the environment, as well as in the field of the humanitarian care. The mission of the organisation is to contribute to the development of the civic society, to the dissemination of ideas of democracy and cooperation, to the support of knowledge and development of the european social and cultural values, to the support of using the local human, material and financial potential, to the creating the conformity in the activities supporting the regional and territorial development and to the support of european integration.
As the extraordinary contribution in this respect we consider the establishment of the European Information Centre managed by EURO GLOBAL, n.o. within the framework of the grant (PHARE Small Project Programme) provided by the Delegation of the European Commission in the Slovak Republic. Beside this, the activity of the organisation is based on the activity of the Volunteer Centre and on the currently built Information and Training Centre Eko Street 221 B with the aim to provide the active access of the population to the knowledge of the principles of the sustainable development, to the knowledge of the needs of the protection and formation of the environment.
The Pumpkin Bogey Festival in the Europe Place
Eva Dénesová
The mentioned structure correspond the projects realised so far and activities of the organisation varying from the educational-instructive activities (project „Increasing of the Awareness of the Population Concerning NATO“), instructive-contesting activities (secondary professional activity and student scientific professional activity on „Slovakia and its Accession to NATO“, „The European Union - its History and Presence“, the programme „LADA - the Clothing Creation in the Changes of Time“), through the games of skills and fantasy (nation-wide contest for the pupils „Souvenir from my Region“ connected with the sale of the works for the charity purposes, „Europe in the Land of Fairy Tales“ for the children from kindergartens) to the cooperation with the entrepreneurial sector (realisation of the „Open House of the Europe Place“ where the social and cultural dimension of this new complex, the investor of which was EURO INVESTA, a.s. Bratislava, was shown).
Peter Varga, Walter Rochel, Béla Bugár and Ján Figeľ in conversation
Štefankovič József - Jakó
The ideological message of the Europe Place based on the presentation of the common routes of the european culture has the particular importance in the time of the european integration. In the effort to support this idea EURO GLOBAL, n.o. cooperates with other non-governmental organisation in creating the conditions for the realisation of the project „Europe - the Gallery of the Statues of Monarchs and Saints“ situated in the Europe Place. In the course of several years the gallery of the statues of the personalities with their lives and activities inseparably connected with the history of Europe will be established here. The part of this project is also the creation of the statuary of the co-patrons of Europe, which will be the first statuary presenting the all six co-patrons of Europe. The public collection organised by the EURO GLOBAL, n.o. has brought the first results - the municipalities of Snežnica, Sklabiňa, Hrnčiarske Zalužany, Veľký Grob, Telgárt, Kráľová nad Váhom, Stretava, Vavrečka, Pusté Uľany, Leváre, Rybník, Nižná, Oľka, Kokšov Baksa, Sikenica, Vinné, Raslavice, Neverice, Ladice, Dunajská Lužná, Bodíky, Okoličná na Ostrove, Nový Život, Bodzianske Lúky, Plášťovce, Zemplínska Teplica, Malacky and companies Transeco a.s. Žilina, Madleniak Jozef and sons, Duslo Šaľa, Jozef Migaš, the Chairman of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Anna Dobrotková, Vojtech Varga, Nándor Litomericzky and Peter Varga have contributed to the realisation of the statuary so far. We thank you all who have supported this financially very demanding project - your contribution represents the obligation for us.
Štefankovič József - Jakó